8 research outputs found

    On Different Strategies for Eliminating Redundant Actions from Plans

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    Satisficing planning engines are often able to generate plans in a reasonable time, however, plans are often far from optimal. Such plans often contain a high number of redundant actions, that are actions, which can be removed without affecting the validity of the plans. Existing approaches for determining and eliminating redundant actions work in polynomial time, however, do not guarantee eliminating the "best" set of redundant actions, since such a problem is NP-complete. We introduce an approach which encodes the problem of determining the "best" set of redundant actions (i.e. having the maximum total-cost) as a weighted MaxSAT problem. Moreover, we adapt the existing polynomial technique which greedily tries to eliminate an action and its dependants from the plan in order to eliminate more expensive redundant actions. The proposed approaches are empirically compared to existing approaches on plans generated by state-of-the-art planning engines on standard planning benchmark

    SAT Competition 2016 : Recent Developments

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    Using an Algorithm Portfolio to Solve Sokoban

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    The game of Sokoban is an interesting platform for algorithm research. It is hard for humans and computers alike. Even small levels can take a lot of computation for all known algorithms. In this paper we will describe how a search based Sokoban solver can be structured and which algorithms can be used to realize each critical part. We implement a variety of those, construct a number of different solvers and combine them into an algorithm portfolio. The solver we construct this way can outperform existing solvers when run in parallel, that is, our solver with 16 processors outperforms the previous sequential solvers

    On Improving Plan Quality via Local Enhancements

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    There exist planning algorithms that can quickly find sub-optimal plans even for large problems and planning algorithms finding optimal plans but only for smaller problems. We attempt to integrate both approaches. We present an anytime technique for improving plan quality (decreasing the plan makespan) via substituting parts of the plan by better sub-plans. The technique guarantees optimality though it is primarily intended to quickly improve plan quality. We experimentally compare various approaches to local improvements

    PASAR — Planning as Satisfiability with Abstraction Refinement

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    One of the classical approaches to automated planning is the reduction to propositional satisfiability (SAT). Recently, it has been shown that incremental SAT solving can increase the capabilities of several modern encodings for SAT-based planning. In this paper, we present a further improvement to SAT-based planning by introducing a new algorithm named PASAR based on the principles of counterexample guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR). As an abstraction of the original problem, we use a simplified encoding where interference between actions is generally allowed. Abstract plans are converted into actual plans where possible or otherwise used as a counterexample to refine the abstraction. Using benchmark domains from recent International Planning Competitions, we compare our approach to different state-of-the-art planners and find that, in particular, combining PASAR with forward state-space search techniques leads to promising results